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Welcome to the Cultural Profiles
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Welcome to the Cultural Profiles
Based on Visiting Arts' successful series of printed Arts Directories, the Cultural Profiles are a new and comprehensive source of web intelligence on global culture. At the time of writing an initial eight profiles are already available online and several more are in the pipeline.
The Cultural Profiles are targeted specifically at cultural professionals, artists and cultural officials, with the aim of encouraging and facilitating reciprocal international exchange and co-operation. However, they will also be of interest to members of the general public who are searching for well-researched information on the arts and cultures of the countries profiled.
Each Cultural Profile focuses on a particular country, providing a thorough analysis of its cultural policy, cultural infrastructure and cultural exchange practices, with an emphasis on developing future collaborations. Each Cultural Profile also contains objective, authoritative overviews of each cultural sector, supported by a detailed directory of contacts and pertinent case studies of previous cultural exchange activity.
To view the profiles currently online please click on an image.
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Date updated: 21 May 2009